Restore Training
Restore for Schools™
Restore for Schools™ is a trauma-informed school-based training curriculum that provides educators with the tools to restore their love for teaching. It does this through training and consultation on effective strategies for developing emotional regulation, crisis-response protocols, trauma-informed behavioral change approaches, and creating school and district-wide policies for enhancing student and staff safety. It is the only trauma-informed school curriculum that devotes a substantial amount of training hours to promoting educator well-being and retention through evidenced-based stress reduction strategies and offering continuous online and in-person support throughout the school year. We offer three levels of training and consultation services.
Please contact us for more information.

Restore for Law Enforcement™ and Restore for Figherfighters™
Restore for Law Enforcement™ and Restore for Firefighters™ are training programs that take into consideration the unique stressors faced by law enforcement and firefighters and provides training on mental health, trauma, and stress management. It is based on the newest research on the effects of stress in both professions, along with the latest approaches for promoting first responder health and job retention. These programs are also relevant for those who work in EMS and dispatch/communication positions, and provide interventions that can address their job-specific stressors.
Please contact us for more information.

Restore for Healthcare™
Restore for Healthcare™ focuses on providing comprehensive trauma-informed training to healthcare workers with the aim of increasing patient satisfaction, health outcomes, and reducing the potential for traumatization during the provision of care. We offer specialty training on how to provide safe, trauma-informed healthcare delivery to vulnerable populations, such as those who have experienced interpersonal violence, sexual violence, and those who come from historically underserved and marginalized populations. This program also provides targeted training to healthcare professionals on stress reduction and increasing retention.
Please contact us for more information.
Restore for Organizations™
Restore for Organizations™ provides organizations a comprehensive training program that focuses on the increasing trauma-informed practices, and employee satisfaction and retention based on the latest organizational stress research and best practices. This package can be modified to fit the specific training needs of a variety of organizations, such as hospitals, mental health agencies, residential treatment centers, businesses, and nonprofits. To determine your organization’s training needs, please contact us for more information.